Where is the expiry date written on the gas cylinder know how can you check

Where is the expiry date written on the gas cylinder know how can you check

Gas Cylinder Expiry Date: There was a time when food was cooked on earthen stoves. But now gas stoves are available in almost all homes. Which run on gas cylinder. People keep checking the gas from time to time. There is no leakage in it. Or is there less gas coming from the stove?

Whatever shortcomings there are, people keep checking them from time to time. But the gas cylinder which is used for cooking gas. We check its expiry date. Is there information about him? Let us tell you how to check the expiry date of the cylinder.

How to check the expiry date of gas cylinder

The gas cylinder you use for cooking gas. It also has an expiry date. How to find out is very simple. You must have seen your gas cylinder with a round circle on it. You might have seen something written there also. Which will be alphabet and numbers. For example A-25, B-26 or C-27. These numbers indicate the expiry date of the cylinder. Let us know how.

First let’s talk about alphabets. There are alphabets up to A, B, C and D on the cylinder. These four alphabets represent three months each. That means if it is A then it will be seen in the first 3 months of the year – January, February and March. Similarly B April, May, June. C July, August, September. D October, November, December.

numbers are years

The numbers written on the gas cylinder. He tells about the year. The combination of alphabets and numbers determines the expiry date of the cylinder. The expiry date is not of the gas filled in the cylinder but of the cylinder itself. That is, as if D-28 is written on a gas cylinder. So that will run till December 2028. After that gas will not be filled in it again.

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